Wednesday, March 11, 2015

What is Beauty ?

   Beauty is a characteristics of a person, animal, place or object or idea that provides a prescription of pleasure or satisfaction.

   However humans who are relatively young with smooth skin, well proportional body and regular features have traditionally has considered the most beautiful thought history.

Classification in human beauty:
  1. Skin beauty
  2. Hair beauty
Skin beauty: it comes under different types of facials.
  • Skin treatments
  • Paramedical treatments    
  • And make up
Hair beauty: it comes under
  • Different type of hair styles
  • Different type of haircuts
  • Chemical hair treatments.

What is Facial ?

A facial is a procedure involving variety of skin treatments.
It includes:
  • steam exfoliation
  • extractions creams
  • lotions
  • facial masks
  • peels
  • massage 

They are normally performed in beauty salons but are also a common spa treatment.

A facial gives you a clear, well hydrated, and youthful skin. Basically, it cleans, exfoliation, and nourishes the skin, and specially focuses on addressing a specific or various needs of your skin, like rejuvenation and replenishment of the skin’s lost nutrients, using different skin products and professional techniques in skin care. When done regularly, a facial actually boosts the effectiveness of your skin care regimens so you are better able to achieve your skin care goal, and helps to maintain your ideal skin condition in a major way.

Various facial Treatments

There are two main types of facial treatments:

  1. Hands on techniques
  2. Electro therapy

The hands on techniques involves using stimulating hand movements and massage that will remove dead skin from face, reduces fine lines and stimulate the generation  of new cells and removal of black heads.

The Electrotherapy technique is when electronic devices are used and there are no hand movements involved.


Better circulation: Your skin looks its best when circulation .it keeps your skin looking smoother and prevents drying. It also makes skin naturally glow.

Age prevention:  A facial is one of the most powerful weapons you can use to keep your skin supple and prevent or reduce wrinkles.

Emotional benefits: Having a facial helps you to relax and unwind. And when you relax stress fails away.

Make Up:


Foundation is a cosmetic, usually tinted i.e. used to has a base or has a protective film applied to before make up or powder. Foundation evens the skin tone and colors, conceals minor imperfection of the skin and protects the skin from that climate debris.

Different types of foundation
  • Liquid foundation
  • Stick foundation
  • Cream-powder foundation
  • Tinted moisturizer

These are the most widely used foundations in make up

Foundation chemistry: Cream foundations are predominately are water, mineral oil, satiric acid, cetyl alcohol, propylene glycol. Insoluble pigments, foundation may also contain

Different Types of Skin Tones and Analysis

The choice and use of professional skin care range promotes the benefits and success of salon treatments application.

The range and uses of products available for facial treatments:

  • Product can be categorized as:
  • Cleansing products
  • Exfoliation products
  • Toner
  • Face mask
  • Moisturizers
  • Sun Screen 

Skin analysis:

How to conduct a skin analysis:
  • Identify contra indications to treatment
  • Identify the skin type
  • Identify the imperfection
  • Identify treatable skin condition
  • Select and use suitable skin care products
  • Plan effective treatment
  • Provide appropriate home care and retail advice
Skin characteristics and condition: 
  • Muscle tone
  • Skin texture
  • Pore size
  • Comedones /millia
  • Congested skin
  • Infected skin
  • Pigmented skin
  • Thickness of the skin
  • Texture
  • Sensitivity
  • Dehydration

 The skin characteristics and skin types of Different client group

Skin characteristics:
  • Oily skin
  • Dry skin
  • Combination skin
  • Sensitive skin
  • Mature skin
  • Young skin
  • Skin types of different client group:
  • Black& Asian skin heritage skin
  • Caucasian skin
  • Ageing skin
Different Types Of Skin Tones:


Disguise treatment is an arrangement of corrective methods intended for patients to use to help themselves in adapting usefully to the mental and physical injury of their distortions. It is portrayed as a "framework" on the grounds that these methods are interrelated. A disguise advisor may instruct the patient to utilize one, two, or the greater part of the procedures in the meantime with a specific end goal to standardize their appearance. Four fundamental systems have been portrayed. They are as per the following:

(1) The utilization of hazy, waterproof spread creams to hide scarring.
(2) The use of flapjack cosmetics for patients with sleek or pimple inflammation inclined skin.
(3) Shading correctors to devastate staining from postoperative injury
(4) Reproducing blemishes on the skin. For more data about the utilization of beautifying agents to 
standardize the presence of physical deformations, the accompanying books are suggested.
Laser reemerging is a treatment to decrease facial wrinkles and skin anomalies, for example, flaws or pimple inflammation scars. The procedure coordinates short, thought throbbing light emissions at unpredictable skin, accurately evacuating skin layer by layer.

Laser treatments: Laser resurfacing skin treatment it reduces the skin treatment, it reduces blemishes and acnes scars it can be used for pigmentation. The technique used in skin treatment concentrated pulsating.

Chemical Treatment: Chemical peeling is also known as derma peeling use a chemical on the face it makes the skin peel of and allowing the new skin replace it resulting smoother skin, less wrinkles and it reduces the scars. Frequently using this chemical peel it can be lead sensitive skin.

Micro derma brasion Skin Treatment: It is a kind of machine skin peeling it removes the unwanted dead cells debris. It can be used for dull skin hyper pigmentation enlarge or clog pores, rough texture. Microdermabrasion facial it gives clear texture and smooth skin.

Dermaroller: Dermaroller machine is a natural skin rejuvenation method its boost the collagen production to the skin it can be treat for stretch marks sun damage skin, acne scaring, wrinkles, it increases the penetration of active serum and products.

High Frequency Skin Treatment: It is used for acne, aging skin, reduces the appearance fine lines, it can be used for scalp for hair growth. It works to the skin, stimulating the cell renewals and assets with improve skin care product penetration and observed by gentle warming tissue. By this result we can get healthy texture skin.
